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In keeping with local and city orders, as well as our own diocesan guidelines, we are increasing the number of in-person classes that are being offered. Our experience over the last couple of months has revealed that while online classes are good, in-person classes are preferred. 

Marriage & Family Life

We are dedicated to serving couples wishing to get married in the Church, struggling marriages, strengthening families, and healing for those divorced or grieving.

Role of Christian Family

The role of the Christian family in the modern world serves as the model to impart in the hearts and minds of the faithful the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is to be received and lived in order to foster the work of the Church.

  • Within the context of marriage, man and woman are called to a total self-gift of love to one another within the bonds of Holy Matrimony.
  • Great care must be taken to foster a sound family structure. Preparation is important towards understanding any sacrament. The Church serves as truth, beauty, and goodness for the family effectively cultivating the role centered on Christ.
  • The role of the family must never be diminished by any external force contrary to the mission of Christ. In love, the beauty of family shall persevere in all its splendor and glory because it is gift from God to his creation.

Pastoral Resources Forms



Director of Marriage & Family Life

Monica Martinez
Administrative Assistant

The Diocese of Fort Worth is dedicated to a Safe Environment. We offer extensive and mandatory training for all employees and volunteers. Please contact the Safe Environment office if you need assistance or to report an abuse or concern.

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